
Amanda Sommer Lotspike and Cayetana Adrianzen Ponce, Managing Editors

Alexei Taylor, Platform Design and Illustrations

Our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to making [ConTactos] possible.

About HemiPress

HemiPress is the Hemispheric Institute’s digital publication imprint, created to house and centralize our diverse publication initiatives. Based at New York University and using a variety of open-source digital platforms, HemiPress includes the Gesture short works series—which includes the Duke U.P./HemiPress co-publications, stand-alone essays, and the Institute’s peer-reviewed journal emisférica, alongside interviews, Cuadernos, ArtWorks, Course Dossiers, and other online teaching resources. It also provides state-of-the-art multilingual publication capacities as well as immersive formats for capturing the “live” of performance and connecting communities of readers across the Americas.

About the Hemispheric Institute

The Hemispheric Institute connects artists, scholars, and activists from across the Americas and creates new avenues for collaboration and action. Focusing on social justice, we research politically engaged performance and amplify it through gatherings, courses, publications, and archives. Based at New York University, our dynamic, multilingual network traverses disciplines and borders and is grounded in the fundamental belief that artistic practice and critical reflection can spark lasting cultural change.